My hub for all my repeaters has been moved to my new house and is online. Still lots of work to do, but this is here, along with a new server, rack and generator that will be going online soon. Then I'll throw up a pole and put another repeater on because there isn't enough to do!
However, now my repeaters' Allstar page is public and you can get it at or on the pages here. This shows link status, etc. It's working yay! Not gonna stop more to do....
I am going to be almost full-time linked to the National State Network, NSN. This is a effort led by Jon, K5DVT, Mike WG5EEK, Mason, N5LSN and myself, Chris, NA0D to start building a statewide network of amateur radio repeaters connected via Allstar. There is a lot of work going on but we think this will be fun and a boon to Amateur radio, hopefully! Come join us or say hi! Website will be at (this is the Allmon/Allstar page for now) and we have quite a few coming along to try out. Won't you try also? Thanks and 73! -Chris