I have a working DMR DVSwitch Bridge between my analog Allstar repeaters and now my own DMR talk group you can use! Now you have more ways to communicate, get involved, and join up conversations.
What does this do?
You can now use your DMR radio and a hot spot to get into the repeater system from your home, anywhere you are! Allstar is wonderful and able to take a radio and interface to get on the air connecting to different nodes and repeaters all over the world. You can come that way. You can also set up your Pi-Star or DMR Pi interface of choice, select the TGIF/NA0D Talkgroup (184) and get into my repeater system now also. Allstar users can communicate with DMR users and vice versa seamlessly, as well as converse with those that are on the repeater systems themselves locally, or through links. These connections are going to be up 24/7 at this point, but I always reserve the right to disconnect them as needed.
The NA0D Talk Group will stay up and available, and if you want to check if the room is connected to the repeater system, use my Allstar and DMR dashboards for inquiry. '
Why all this? Because I can. :)
However, I really feel this is a nice addition for those of you that have an investment in your DMR equipment, creates cross-functionality, increases experimentation, and brings more possibilities for ham operators to try! It is also geared to newer hams who are experimenting not only with repeaters and repeater access, but with DMR and some of the digital modes that ham radio has to offer. I have a DMR page up now and will add more explanations as I get time and get things figured out.
And for you Yaesu fans, I'll eventually build some sort of reflector that brings your YSF into the fold and even link up to my NA0D WIRES-X room for increased functionality. I do have an investment in Yaesu gear, am a fan, so don't want to leave it behind. More on that later. D-Star, not so much. Enjoy and try it out!