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DMR Page

Welcome to the NA0D DMR side of things. This is a work in progress and will chronicle things here as they proceed. We will be utilizing the TGIF Network for DMR, so most will revolve around that. I have decided to use TGIF instead of Brandmeister for the foreseeable future, but could change like anything else. For now, TGIF!

DMR Dashboard

Here is the active user/status for my DMR to Allstar Bridge Dashboard! You can click the RX Monitor to listen to DMR traffic if you want to. Or just get on the radio and use it. It is TGIF Network Talk Group 184. The talk group is open to use and will always be connected to my ham repeaters for use with hotspots, and is connected to the repeaters themselves. Yes! Analog to DMR and back again! More information is below but here is the TGIF Linky....


Below is some of the "important" DMR information.

There is now a DMR talk group on the TGIF network for my DMR happenings. As with everything else I do, this is open to all hams. I found it easier to make a talk group while I experiment bridging repeaters to Allstar and other fun stuff. TGIF Talk Group 184 is where the NA0D DMR bridge and analog repeater system will be permanently connected.

NA0D DMR Dashboard

This is where DMR begins. Get your DMR ID here and go from there!

Need help building a codeplug for your radio? Don't know what a code plug is? Well, go here and learn as he has quite a spread of good information on all things DMR.

Program a Radio!

This is a quick section of DMR Radio Programming. There are many different ones, and ways to do it for more advanced operations. This section is a quick, easy way to get on while you learn your radio, as most radios will have some variation of these steps. This may or may not be right, but gets me on the air as I am certainly no pro at this yet, but this might help someone. More to come. These are taken from a Baofeng DR-1801 Dual Band DMR Radio. Click each sample for a screenshot.

create a channel.jpg

Program a DMR Channel

Set your hotspot frequency, channel name and goodies here. Make sure you pick the right Contact, Group, Color Code and Slot that you need. For NA0D 184, Slot 2 Color Code 1 with your Pi-Star works fine!

create recieve group to use in channel programming.jpg

Program a Receive Group

Program a recieve group so your radio knows which group to use, as it will be needed when channel programming.


Create your Contacts

Contacts is how it all works! This is your space for different groups to use!


Build some Zones and assign Channels!

Zones help organize different systems, groups, and so on. I have mine set for Brandmeister on Zone 1, TGIF on Zone 2, and so on. Move your channels into groups of your choice.


Group Call

Make sure you selected Group Call when setting up your receive groups!

Organized Files

Save your Codeplug and Upload

As with anything radio, save your code plugs. Save one that works and save new ones as different files so you can go back or edit if you make mistakes.

Pi Star Settings!

You have a Pi Star and want to come play? Here's one way....use TGIF Network in your Pi Star! Then build a channel for TGIF184 in your radio and come talk! This will allow you to use DMR to get into the NA0D Repeaters, Natural State Network and beyond! 

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